Emergency Hotline

(If you or other people are in immediate danger, please call 911)


Are You Preparing For Evacuation?


informational meeting for all of our volunteers and potential volunteers

Date – Tuesday, February 25th
Time – 6:00 pm
Where – Santa Barbara City College, room PE 215
Where to park – next to La playa Stadium (parking is free that night)
  • This meeting will include Sarah Aguilar, Director of Animal Services, and her staff, to talk about how our two agencies work together, how we get activated, mutual aid issues with other counties and how complaints of animal abuse are conducted.  
  • Our Equine Evac board members will discuss our procedures in case of an emergency and the roles and responsibilities of our volunteers.  
  • We will also be conducting a swearing in of all new volunteers, so if you know of anyone who wants to volunteer with us please bring them along.

Check back soon

for future events and training courses!

For updates please follow us on Facebook

emergency transport

Transport crews evacuate animals to designated shelters.

emergency shelter

Shelter & care provided by qualified volunteers.

How we Help

serving our community

We are a team of dedicated volunteers and a cohesive group of people who share a strong passion and admiration for horses and other large animals. We serve members of the community who own or stable large animals and are adversely affected or displaced by fire and other emergency disaster incidents.

Emergency Transport & Shelter

Upon notification of disaster and need for large animal evacuation, our team establishes a mobile command center at a designated site and prepares for the intake and sheltering of large animals. Truck and trailer crews are assembled and deployed to evacuate large animals to the designated sheltering area where they will be cared for by qualified volunteers.

What We Offer

We perform a range of services that benefit Santa Barbara County.


We assist owners of equines and large animals in situations of fire and emergency.


Coordination of the evacuation of equines and large animals during a fire or emergency.


We provide emergency preparedness training and prevention guidelines.

We give thanks to Mission Equine

for their donations of medical supplies!

Is Your Barn Prepared For Disaster?

Learn More About

Our Team

and What We Do

The services provided by SB Equine Evac are free of charge. Our organization is funded entirely by private donors. Funds and supplies donated to SB Equine Evac are tax deductible and go toward the procurement of feed for animals sheltered during disaster, as well as bedding, supplies, and safety equipment necessary to carry out our mission.

Get in Touch

(805) 892-4484

Mailing address

P.O Box 60535
Santa Barbara, CA 93160

Follow Us!

Volunteer With Us!

To become a volunteer with SB Equine Evac you must:

  1. Be at least 18 years of age
  2. Get sworn in by an officiate of State of CA as service disaster worker
  3. Complete our Volunteer Application and Waiver forms
  4. Attend one of our Volunteer Training Sessions