Earl Warren Showgrounds Equestrian Renovation Project

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Our Collaboration With Earl Warren Showgrounds

the project

Santa Barbara Equine Assistance and Evacuation Team, Inc. has been working with the showgrounds to fund and provide the following improvements to the facility:

  • Repair and improve the barns.
  • Rebuild the Mountain View and Warm Up arenas with new base and drainage system, new footing, and portable fencing to allow for various size arenas and uses.
  • Provide drainage, base and new footing to the Kramer (Dome) Arena and level and new sand to the El Camino arena.
  • Our goal is also to provide funding for the upkeep and maintenance of these gifted items.

most importantly

These renovations will also provide a safe place for all large animals during times of emergency evacuations, our critical mission. The arena improvements will allow Earl Warren Showgrounds to become a self-sustaining premier show ground able to hold all types of equestrian competitions and events.

What’s New

  • Installing pump for reclaimed water, landscaping.
  • Repair and improve 2-3 barns
  • Upon removal of 2-3 barns by EWS staff, we will be building another multi-use arena.

Thank You to These Additional Donors:

Equine Evac worked with the following other non-profits to provide additional donations:

  • Earl Warren Showgrounds Foundation donated a state of the art sounds system and repaired the tractor.
  • Fiesta Rodeo and Stock Show
    donated a western drag.
  • Santa Barbara Showgrounds Foundation donated money towards the water truck

2020 Renovation Accomplishments

  • Equine Evac has raised over $600,000 for the renovation project. We have substantial additional funds in process or committed.
  • There have been major improvements to the arenas. Mountain View, Warm-Up and Kramer Arenas have new base with French drains, laser leveled 3-Way sand blend footing by respected company for all disciplines.
  • New sturdy, safe and beautiful and moveable fencing in the Mountain View and Warm Up Arenas
  • Improvements to El Camino Arena and construction of large new temporary warm up and dedicated lunging area, with temporary fencing for safety
  • Donated a water truck
  • Donated a quality multi-purpose drag.
  • Built three new Covid-19 compliant judges and announcer booths.

Additional maintenance and unplanned for improvements include:

  • Repair of sewer
  • Rebuild electrical boxes to be safe, sturdy and less obtrusive
  • Provided material (limestone dust) and extra manpower for leveling stalls (ongoing, about 5 barns done to date).
  • Provided materials for doors and gates and paint for the Kramer Arena.
  • Donated pump for reclaimed water.
  • Refined the sand depth and re-laser leveled to refine.
  • Provided roller and derocker to improve footing.
  • Built temporary berm to reduce traffic noise and visuals at el Camino ring
  • Planted one olive tree and cleaned up bleacher area near show office.
  • Purchased a heavy arena roller.

Thank You to our Sponsors, Donors, and Supporters

We couldn’t have achieved all we have without you!

The services provided by SB Equine Evac are free of charge. Our organization is funded entirely by private donors. Funds and supplies donated to SB Equine Evac are tax deductible and go toward the procurement of feed for animals sheltered during disaster, as well as bedding, supplies, and safety equipment necessary to carry out our mission.

Get in Touch

(805) 892-4484

Mailing address

P.O Box 60535
Santa Barbara, CA 93160

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Volunteer With Us!

To become a volunteer with SB Equine Evac you must:

  1. Be at least 18 years of age
  2. Get sworn in by an officiate of State of CA as service disaster worker
  3. Complete our Volunteer Application and Waiver forms
  4. Attend one of our Volunteer Training Sessions