How to Donate
Your donations will help keep our projects going strong!
mail a check
Checks Payable to: Santa Barbara Equine Assistance & Evacuation Team, Inc. (or just SB Equine Evac).
PLEASE NOTE: If donating to our EWS Renovation Project, please add to memo – “Showgrounds Equestrian Restoration Fund”
SB Equine-Evac Team
P.O Box 60535
Santa Barbara, CA 93160

send with venmo
SBEquine-Evac Team
PLEASE NOTE: If donating to our EWS Renovation Project, please add to memo – “Showgrounds Equestrian Restoration Fund”

Coming soon!
The services provided by SB Equine Evac are free of charge. Our organization is funded entirely by private donors. Funds and supplies donated to SB Equine Evac are tax deductible and go toward the procurement of feed for animals sheltered during disaster, as well as bedding, supplies, and safety equipment necessary to carry out our mission.
Get in Touch
(805) 892-4484
Mailing address
P.O Box 60535
Santa Barbara, CA 93160

Follow Us!
Volunteer With Us!
To become a volunteer with SB Equine Evac you must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Get sworn in by an officiate of State of CA as service disaster worker
- Complete our Volunteer Application and Waiver forms
- Attend one of our Volunteer Training Sessions